The Declaration of, by, and for Women

We, the Women of the United States of America on behalf of all women everywhere, hereby declare that we are inviolable sovereign entities whose worth is self-evident and whose life, liberty, pursuit of happiness and self-determination are inalienable fundamental human rights

Whereas Women have been, are, and will be the basic human template, bearers and sustainers of life, the gardeners, the herbalists, the healers, the nurturers, the teachers, homemakers, the breadwinners, the builders of community and nations, the cornerstone of society and the family

Whereas the rule by patriarchy for thousands of years has resulted in our rights being abridged, our being treated as property, our bodies being assaulted and sold, the Earth, our mother, plundered and polluted by profligate greed, our peace destroyed by continual war, our communities and families broken, and our institutions corrupted

Whereas patriarchy has perpetuated male dominance by:

  •  Systematically excluding women from the realms of power, blocking the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, working against equal representation in government, despite the fact that we are 51% of the population
  • Denying women economic parity by relying on women’s unpaid domestic labor, raising children, caring for elders or loved ones who are chronically ill, denying women promotions, equal pay for equal work, working against increases in minimum wage and cost-of-living increases to Social Security
  • Oppressing women and causing immeasurable physical, psychological and emotional harm through commodification, sexual exploitation, trafficking, sexual harassment, rape, molestation, physical assault, emotional abuse, genital mutilation, psychological intimidation, domestic violence
  • Attempting to control women’s reproduction by blocking access to sex education and family planning, thereby restricting women’s autonomy and ability to reach full potential, even endangering women’s lives and health

Whereas the world is dangerously out-of-balance due to the abuse of power characteristic of patriarchy and empire-building, and as there will never be an end to conflict and injustice or lasting peace and harmony so long as women are mistreated and live in one form of bondage or another in societies ruled by men

We the Women hereby declare our independence from sanction or approval by a patriarchal culture or world system.  We abjure and condemn all forms of domination of and violence towards women and girls everywhere.  We declare our human right to live in a world free from misogyny and male supremacy that oppresses us and attempts to alienate us from our sisters in the struggle for truth, justice, fairness, equality, and peace

We unite in spirit and in action with all women and all men of conscience who join us in the struggle against the oppression of patriarchy until every woman in every nation everywhere across the globe can live in a world that is safe, harmonious, and respectful of life and nature, where women and the sacred feminine are again respected and honored as was the case in antiquity, and where we can live in peace and prosperity as many matri-focal societies have done

We hereby join in solidarity with our sisters throughout the world in reclaiming our rightful place in roles of leadership in the family, the workplace, society, worship, and government, and we demand gender parity in the form of fair and equal representation.  We reclaim our long denied birthright to fully and freely explore and utilize our gifts, talents, intellect, spirituality, emotional sensibilities, sexuality, creativity, and power and declare this day, July 1, 2012 as our day of GLOBAL LIBERATION


Filed under Civil Liberties, Equal Rights Amendment, Women's Rights

2 responses to “The Declaration of, by, and for Women

  1. Yes Yes and YES! In fact, the WOMAN’S REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN! We want to OCCUPY THE CONSTITUTION via the ERA. Currently we are not even mentioned in the nation’s contract with its People! That’s why WOMEN can be subjected legally to the current, harsh legislative War on Women with 916 major, repressive anti-woman, anti-family laws IN JUST 3 MONTHS! It’s the nadir of American history. If you vote Republican, you foster your OWN persecution and that of the females (and males) whom you care MOST about.

    When passed, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) would act to make Sex Discrimination (male and female alike) A VIOLATION OF THE US CONSTITUTION ! (No More War on Women subjugation).

    THE WOMEN’S REVOLUTION kicks off at the United States Capitol, DC, on August 18, 11-4pm, West Lawn, The Woman’s Rally!!!.

    To get onboard–and you MUST because the media makes sure this KICKOFF is kept under wraps (did you not know that our media spends endless hours repeating itself over less critical NEWS than women’s current cruel persecution–War on Women?).
    Go to to get the full scoop and register for FREE to meet and greet heads of major national women’s organizations (incl. us: National Equal Rights Amendment Alliance) and thousands coming in via reasonably priced buses and looking forward to reasonable, respectable lodging listed there.

    THIS is the time to Speak Out, Woman, if ever there WAS one. No commercial backing, this Rally is organized by just FIVE savvy young women who woke up 6 months ago to their repression ok’d by lack of an ERA! Let’s support THEM AND EACH OTHER via the Rally!

    ERA needs ONLY 3 more states to ratify ERA so it passes directly into the US Constitution, making Women a party to that Contract. We of Natl ERA Alliance are spearheading ONE state for 12 YEARS, 18/7; helping mentor 6 other states; helping create and file a brand-new speed-up ERA bill before US Senate and House. “We Mean Business!”

    Learn about the ERA history, progress, process, and simple actions you can take at, click “Do it Now”. We help.

    Write us you are joining all of us at the Rally: WE WARMLY WELCOME YOU, male and female alike, for the Biggest Kickoff of ERA you’ve ever SEEEN. Sandy Oestreich (300,000+ members), founder-pres., Natl ERA Alliance; Prof Emerita; fmr elected official; co-author, internationally distributed pharmacology reference texts; Nurse Practitioner; bio’d in Feminists Who Changed America; 2012 recipient, Susan B Anthony award, “FAILURE IS IMPOSSIBLE”..

    Indeed it IS. Join us and MAKE IT HAPPEN.

    • You’re enthusiasm and dedication to passing the ERA are most encouraging and uplifting, Sandy. Thank you so much for sharing the information about the work you are doing. I will make others aware of the December 18 event and include your website as a link on mine–perhaps you can direct people here to the Declaration. Thanks again!

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