Tag Archives: pharmaceuticals

Is a Cure Coming? Marijuana Compound Stops Aggressive Cancers | Care2 Causes

One of the biggest reasons legalization of cannabis continues to be fought so hard is because Big Pharma wants to synthesize, monopolize, and capitalize on it and its use.  But from what I understand, it is the full complement of natural cannabinoids that are especially effective; just as in all synthesized and rarefied drugs, something vital is lost in the process.  If we had access to pure, natural food, spices, and herbs (like cannabis) instead of the irradiated, pesticide, hormone, preservative-laden GMO Frankenfood the corporate world wants to foist on us, there would be little need for all of these drugs, because our immune systems would be healthy and capable of warding off disease.  But then, how would a poor pharmaceutical CEO and his 1% employers, the drug cartels, and their corrupt governmental enablers survive  if they weren’t profiting off of the ill health of the 99%?!

Is a Cure Coming? Marijuana Compound Stops Aggressive Cancers | Care2 Causes

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Filed under Environment, Nature, & Health, Frankenfood, GMO's, Government Corruption, Hormones, Pesticides, Preservatives, Social Justice, The Corporate Criminal Class, The Wealthy Parasitic 1%